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  • Bhakti Courses
    Post count: 169

    01. What are the English translations for the six systems of philosophy?

    02. Is love of God available to followers of non-Vedic systems?


    03. As yoga refers to the connection and Patanjali is said to have taught yoga did he teach all the various ways of connecting with God like karma-yoga etc?


    04. Does achintyabhedabheda harmonize dvaita advaita – or fall in the dvaita category?

    05. When Bhagavatam is the commentary on Vedanta-sutra, why do Advaitins still study Vedanta-sutra?

    06. In the three scopes of meanings of the word Veda, which meaning is used by the Vedas themselves?

    07. When Vedas are said to be superior to pratyaksha and anumana, which meaning of Veda is used?

    08. Are Gita and Bhagavatam meant for less intelligent people because they are parts of smriti?

    09. Does upasana kanda contain things other than bhakti?

    10. How do we understand contradictions in the scriptures?

    11. If sensory knowledge is defective, why do we use it to refute atheistic theories?

    12. Are the other 5 schools of Indian philosophy relevant for devotees – are they speculations? Vedic philosophy

    13. Are Nirvisheshavada and Mayavada two names of the same philosophy? Vedic philosophy

    14. How are Buddhism and Jainism different from Mayavada? Vedic philosophy

    15. Ref: 01 Introduction: An overview of the Vedic literature

    When Shabda Praman is the aural reception of spiritual knowledge in disciplic succession and that which is processed through senses, then how is it free from the four defects as there is scope of misunderstanding for the speaker, for the listener, and there is scope of addition of noise in different written versions ?

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